
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

FNCE in San Diego

I am passionately pursuing my career goal of becoming a Registered Dietitian so I try to take advantage of every opportunity for networking, learning, and spending time with R.D.'s and fellow dietetics students that I can.  
The Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo hosted by the American Dietetic Association, which was held in San Diego, CA, is a huge gathering of all these people and I was lucky enough to go this year!

Thank you all for being so nice and interested in my life, I am flattered! So here is the FNCE post as promised.

I was really excited to get to explore the city as I had never been before but the conference sessions took up most of our days. I had so much fun I didn't feel like I missed out on much though so here is an overview of my trip:

(I apologize for the lack and quality of these photos. It wasn't until the last day that I realized I wanted to post about this and I took all of these with my point and shoot)

The entire conference took place here, it was a gorgeous building!

I love the Today Show and even though I know Matt, Ann, and Al are in NY I still got excited to see this building!

Walking down Fifth Ave and through the Gaslamp District everyday was the perfect way to see the unique shops (and people) San Diego has to offer! Starting and ending my day this way was too much fun.

The view from the hotel lobby

We got to walk by this beautiful fountain everyday on our way to the conference.

On our last night we ate at Aaron Sanchez's restaurant Crossroads in The House of Blues. There was live music, good food, and good drinks. I had a delicious quesadilla that I am bound and determined to replicate in my own kitchen. Being the bad food blogger that I am I neglected to take pictures of ANYTHING I ate the whole time I was there...I promise I'll be better next time!

A very cool bar that we passed by a few times.

At the expo!
 Just a few of the vendors there giving out samples and talking to all of us R.D.'s and R.D.'s-to-be were: Nestle, Hershey, Mrs. Dash, Daisy Cottage Cheese, Pepperidge Farm, Sunsweet Ones, Kellog's, Truvia, Splenda and sooo many more! 

One of the most exciting parts of the conference was getting to hang out with the fantastic Lexie (on the left, that is me on the right)! She was a senior at school while I was a junior and I got to know her just a little bit. What I didn't know, until recently, is that she has an awesome blog about her life as an Australian in the U.S. You all should go check it out at This Aussie Eats.

View from the Conference Center

Towards the beach (that we never got to see, unfortunately).

At the risk of looking greedy I just had to share this picture of the AMAZING goodies I got from the expo...hey I'm in college I have to take what I can get right :-)

Question: Have you been to a conference or meet-up of people with similar interests before?

-This was my first one and certainly NOT my last!
I desperately want to go to Blogher :-)