
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blog Love

I would very much like to thank Surly Kitchen for this award (my first one too)! I am so glad to have received it and I appreciate it a lot. I am so happy I found your blog and that you found mine, I look forward to reading more of your recipes!

To accept this award there are 4 rules:
1. Thank the person who gave it to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award onto 2 bloggers you have recently discovered and think are fantastic.
4. Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know they won!

7 things about me
  1. I am left-handed and feel that I am at a serious disadvantage in college because all of the desks are right-handed.
  2. I could live off peanut-butter.
  3.  If I had to pick one show to watch for the rest of my life it would be Friends.
  4. I have two dogs (at home), Lucy a Westie and Zoee a Yorkie. They are the best.
  5.  I have two older brothers and I love them, my family is incredible and means the world to me.
  6. I live with my fantastic boyfriend who is a wonderful photographer (he takes all of the pictures for my blog, see his website here).
  7.  I am from the 5th windiest place in the U.S.

The two fabulous bloggers I would like to pass this award onto are...

Melanie @ Adorkable Recipes and Heather @ Where's the Beach

I really want to thank all of my new-found blog friends. I never thought I would meet such fantastic, nice, and supportive people on the internet. I can't wait to meet more wonderful people and continue connecting with all of my friends! Thank you!